PHP Hello world Program
First of all install wamp or xampp in your computer.
Step 2 : Install Notepad++ on your system.
Step 3 : Create a new File and save it as anyname and with extension .php like index1.php in side www directory of wamp server.
Step 4 : add following code in your page its simple html page.
<!doctype html>
 <title>Hello World PHP</title>
</html>Step 5 : make a php block in side dody section of your page.
//this is php block
Step 6: write echo "Hello World PHP"; inside php block.
<!doctype html>
 <title>Hello World PHP</title>
  echo "Hello World PHP";
Final Page look like this:

Step 7 : Now lets Execute this launch wamp manage normally placed in c:/wamp/wamp-manager.exe

Step 8 : Now open browser andopen page localhost/index1.php
you will see output as

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