PHP Very Basic Authentication 

We can Make any page secure in the php by using SuperGlobal $_SESSION variable.
Basically In This Tutorials we have five pages, these are as listed below:
  1. index.php
  2. login_script.php
  3. profile.php
  4. secure_page.php
  5. logout.php
  • When user enter its email and password from index.php  it send email/password to login_script.php.
  • Here login_script.php check that user name and  password of user are correct with database.
  • When it find a row in members table in the testdb named database, it start  session by calling session_start() method of php and register id of the row with session  of server with the help of $_SESSION['id'] and redirect to profile.php page.
  • Profile page get id from session and collect complete row from database.
  • Securepage simply check that session has some id attached and shows content of secure_page.php.
  • For Destroying session we have logout.php page which destroy session and attached value of id and redirect to indexpage.
Now Lets Do Some Practical Work.
Step 1:  First of all start your wamp/xampp server and open phpmyadmin tool For this open  http://localhost/phpmyadmin  in your browser.

Step 2:  Second  click on SQL tab and create a database  named testdb and insert two values in it with following script :-

create database testdb;
use  testdb;
create table members(id int primary key auto_increment,name varchar(100),email varchar(200),password varchar(100));
insert into members(name,email,password)values('raggu','','1234'),

Step 3: create a new php document and name it as index.php and save it in server root /lec14 folder, in case using wamp save it in www directory or in htdoc when using xampp.


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   <form action="login_script.php"method="post" class="">
   <input type="email" name="email" placeholder=""/>
      <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password"/>
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Step 4: create a new php document and name it as login_script.php and save it in server's  www /lec14 folder.

$query="select * from members where email='$email' and password='$password'";
Step 5: create a new php document and name it as profile.php and save it in server's  www/lec14 folder.
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         <li><a href="logout.php">logout</a></li>
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   <div class="col-sm-8">
 $query="select * from members where id='$id'";
  echo "Member Id : $row[0] <br/>Name $row[1] <br/> Email $row[2]"; 
   <div class="col-sm-2"></div>
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Step 6:create a new php document and name it as secure_page.php and save it in server's  www/lec14 folder.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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        <li><a href="profile.php">profile</a></li>
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     <li><a href="logout.php">logout</a></li>
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<div class="row">
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   <div class="col-sm-8">
<h1>This is another secure page</h1>
<p>Only Registerd users can see this</p>
 </div><div class="col-sm-2"></div>
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<script src="" ></script>

Step 7:  create a new php document and name it as logout.php and save it in server's  www/lec14 folder.

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