How To deploy a Java Web Site to Heroku Cloud

Install Heroku ToolBelt

First of all Download the Heroku Tool Belt  from  link:

Now install it with simple steps next next only.

Create account on Heroku with below signup link .

Open Command Prompt and login on Heroku
 C:\> heroku login

Create Java Web Application with Maven 

Let us create a sample java web site  with the help of maven using command:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp

It will ask for project group id  , artifactid and pakaging type as shown below, mention the packaging type war.

[INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
Define value for property 'groupId': : com.example
Define value for property 'artifactId': : demoapp
Packaging type war
 packaging type 'war' can be deployed to java server like tomcat.

If you already have Web Application  then convert it to maven 

if you already have build  your  application  then simply convert it to maven application by creating a pom.xml file init.

sample pom.xml is here

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


<name>Maven Quick Start Archetype</name>


Webapp Runner

Webapp Runner allows you to launch an application in a Tomcat container on any computer that has a JRE installed. No previous steps to install Tomcat are required when using Webapp Runner. It’s just a jar file that can be executed and configured using the java command.

Configure maven to download Webapp Runner     


Deploy website  to Heroku

Create a Procfile
You declare how you want your application executed in Procfile in the project root. Create this file with a single line:

web:    java $JAVA_OPTS -jar target/dependency/webapp-runner.jar --port $PORT target/*.war

Commit your changes to Git:

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Ready to deploy"

Create the app:

$ heroku create demowebsite

It will show message like this:

Creating demowebsite... done, stack is cedar-14 |

Deploy your code:

$ git push heroku master

The application is now deployed. Ensure that at least one instance of the app is running:

$ heroku ps:scale web=1

Congratulations! Your web app should now be up and running on Heroku. Open it in your browser with:

$ heroku open


Unknown said...


I did those steps but I receive lots of errors when I try to access the URL. Locally my application is running normally but in Heroku it's not. Have you some actual tutorial that use a web service java from Netbeans to deploy to heroku?(Sorry about my english).

Umair Sajid said...

Hello, Bro getting an error at git heroku push master
Can you please help me out in this thing. Its kind of urgent.

Unknown said...

Hi bro..First of all thanks for helping me host my Spring mvc webapp..But can u give an idea to how to create my database for this application on heroku..

Muhammad Ahmad Alauddin said...

What error are you getting?

Unknown said...

Hi. I'm trying to deploy my app on apache tomee plume, how can I write my both files pom and procfile?

Peon por Rey said...

It worked!!!

Kuldeep Singh said...

please watch this to clear your errors

Kuldeep Singh said...

Unknown said...

Thanks Mr. Kuldeep Singh for this post. Thank you very much!!
Would be glad if you put up more videos on yt, related to webapp-runner(working,imp)

Unknown said...

Thanks for splitting your comprehension with us. It’s really useful to me & I hope it helps the people who in need of this vital information. Anyone want to build your website
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